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Нинся ДЖОИ Материал Ко., ООО.,основан в мае 2018, расположен на базе энергетической и химической промышленности Ниндун в Нинся. Компания владеет зарегистрированными товарными знаками и несколькими авторизованными патентами. Основной деятельностью компании являются исследования, развитие, и производство серий азиридина и имидазола, которые находят широкое применение в различных областях. Прохождение нескольких сертификаций систем менеджмента, Компания стремится стать ведущим мировым поставщиком специальных химикатов.

Adsorption material for high concentration phenolic wastewater(ZY-100)

Appearance Brown yellow to black solid
Solid content(% ) ≥99.0
Bulk density (Kg/m3) 0.6~0.8

Adsorption material for high concentration phenolic wastewater

Technical Data

Item Index
Appearance Brown yellow to black solid
Solid content (%) 99.0
Bulk density (Kg/m3) 0.6-0.8
Saturated adsorption capacity (g/g) ≥0.8

product feature

1. Targeted and selective: for the adsorption of volatile phenols in phenol-containing wastewater, especially high-concentration phenol-containing wastewater (volatile phenol content 5000~30000ppm).

2. Wide range of application: water quality does not need to be pre-treated, and other elements in the water quality (sulfur, ammonia, inorganic salts, etc.) will not affect the adsorption effect of the material.

3. the adsorption effect is good: the removal rate of volatile phenol can reach 97%~99%.

4. Long material life: the adsorption material can be reactivated after saturation, and the activation times are up to more than 50 times.

5. Large saturated adsorption capacity: The saturated adsorption capacity of the adsorption material on the volatile phenol in the wastewater can reach 0.8g/g.

6. Regeneration process is simple: the use of alkaline liquor regeneration, can be directly recycled in the adsorption container after continuous use.

7. High recovery of volatile phenol: After the adsorption material is regenerated, the regenerated liquid can be directly recycled and sold in the downstream sodium phenol salt recovery plant Home, phenolic recovery can reach 90%.

8. Low project investment: Special stainless steel reactor as adsorption container,low cost.

9. Low operating costs: depending on the concentration of volatile phenol in the wastewater, the cost of wastewater treatment is 10~30 RMB/ton, The whole process can be fully automated and the labor cost is low.